Pioneer Research offers a variety of established and customizable functional assays. Our experiences molecular biologists tailor our cellular assays to your project’s developmental needs and provide support in assay design, results interpretation, and documentation. We are always happy to meet up and see how we can help accelerate your projects or look at collaboration opportunities.
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> Cell-Based Assays
To increase the chance of success for your drug discovery programs, using robust and relevant in vitro cell-based assays is important. Targeted cellular assays provide insight into networks, pathways, and biological mechanisms of action in cellular models developed to mimic disease states, contributing to improved translational success in drug development programs.
> Functional Reporter Assays
Our functional reporter assays are cell-based assays with a colorimetric read-out for screening of molecules based on ligand activation or inhibition. Luciferase reporter gene assays are typically used to assess the regulatory ability of an unknown DNA sequence, to study the regulation of gene expression by cis- or trans-acting factors, or to measure the activation of cell signaling pathways. The assay is also valuable for investigating the effect of drug exposure on disease-driving transcriptional programs in the early phase of drug discovery and development.
In our dual-validated luciferase assay setup, the firefly luciferase reporter gene acts as a surrogate for the coding region of the promoter/enhancer studied. Upon ectopic expression of the reporter construct gene, transcription factor, or transcriptional modulator +/- drug treatment of interest into cells, the reporter gene’s expression levels are determined by quantifying the reporter protein’s enzymatic activity. Luciferase activity is normalized against transfection efficiency and protein levels to provide high-confidence, robust, and reproducible results.
> Cell Viability assay
> Cytotoxicity assay
> Proliferation assay
> Gene expression analysis
> DNA/RNA extraction
> Realtime analysis of gene expression
> Protein expression analysis
> Western/Dot Blot
> Immunofluorescence
> Proteomics sample preparation and analysis
> Custom assays and biotinylation pulldown assays
> microProtein/Short Open Reading Frame identification